life > drugs
life > drugs
Tons of kids already know how great it feels to live out their singing, dancing, music, sports, artistic and creative dreams every day.
You can too.
But if you start misusing drugs like prescription opioids, all those dreams can die. And so can you.


Almost 700,000 kids age 12–17 misused opioids in 2018 – some of them didn’t make it to 2019
41 Americans die from prescription painkiller overdoses every day
More people overdose from pain medicines every year than from heroin and cocaine combined
Everybody knows that illegal drugs like cocaine, heroin and meth are dangerous. But when drugs prescribed by a doctor are misused, they can be deadly too. Prescription opioids kill over 15,000 people in the US each year, including kids and teens like you.
What are prescription opioids?
Opioids are a type of drug used to treat people experiencing pain, usually because of an injury or surgery. They have names like OxyContin®, Percocet®, Vicodin®, Codeine, Morphine and Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid (meaning it’s made in a laboratory) that is 50 to 100 times more potent than other opioids, so it’s only prescribed to treat severe and ongoing pain.
When used only by the person who gets the prescription, in only the amounts prescribed, opioids can be an important part of treatment, but they’re never a “safe” way to get high.
Why is prescription opioid misuse so dangerous?
- They’re addictive, so it can be really hard to stop taking them once you start
- They physically change your brain, making you care more about using drugs than hanging out with friends and doing things you love
- People who become addicted to prescription opioids often transition to illegal drugs like heroin
- Using illegally manufactured fentanyl can be extremely lethal since you won’t know its purity, potency and quantity – and because it is sometimes mixed in with other drugs like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine
- Misusing your prescription drugs, taking someone else’s prescription, or mixing a prescription with alcohol or other drugs can lead to an opioid overdose, which could end up killing you


You probably already know that participating in extracurricular activities like sports and clubs is a great way to make friends, enhance college applications, and have fun. But studies show it can also help you avoid developing a drug problem. So try something new, find something you love and get involved today!


If you or someone you know is overdosing on opioids or other drugs, call 911 immediately.
For other problems, talk to a trusted adult, or use these helpful Orange County resources:
OC Links
Find out which County services can help you most, including alcohol and drug inpatient and outpatient programs, available 24/7.
OC WarmLine
Confidential support for anyone who has concerns about mental health, substance use, loneliness and more, 24 hours a day.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call this free hotline immediately.

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